Sitting Groups

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Sitting Groups



Meditation with Howard Blumenfeld

You are invited to join our Tuesday evening Sitting Meditation Group. A place of non-judgmental awareness of the present moment; a place where you can learn to accept and trust your own experience.

The format of the evening entails the following:

Discussion about varoius meditation practices.
Setting an intention for the evening meditation.
A 30 to 40-minute silent sit.
Ending with a guided loving kindness meditation (metta).

When: Every other Tuesday, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Where: North Hollywood — Valley Village

There is NO FEE for the Tuesday Sitting. Instead, you can offer Dana - "Dana" is a word from the Pali language spoken in Asia at the time of the Buddha. It means "generosity freely offered." It is felt that these teachings are too precious to be bought and sold, thus the teacher relies on the generous support of others to continue their teaching.

No amount is suggested and is totally anonymous. There is no obligation to make an offering.

For further information and directions, please contact Howard by using the Contact Page. is a path where you can learn to trust your own experience.
Join Howard Blumenfeld, Ph.D. for Meditation Classes and Sitting Meditation Group in the San Fernando Valley.